Archive for December, 2005|Monthly archive page

Writely is a word processor on the web. It’s pretty good, and it’s an easy way for people to collaborate on documents anywhere.

A virtual drumset…

Ken Brashear offers you a virtual drum set that anyone can play. allows you to bookmark your favorite web sites online and access them from anywhere.

Welcome in, and movies…

Hello all, and welcome in to the new MHCC Blog (a contraction of “web log”). Check back here often for our observations on life, faith, art and the web. We hope it will be fun and instructive. If you ever have comments on what you see here or suggestions for future topics, email me.

Today we start with movies. If you want in-depth reviews from a Christian worldview, there’s no better place than Christianity Today Movies. This is the site I recommend for adults and teenagers who want a good idea of what’s worth seeing in the theatre or renting. I used their lists of the best movies 2004 by critics and readers and most redeeming films to make my own “to rent” list. It has saved me from wandering aimlessly through the video store or accidentally renting trash. CT reviews go beyond counting expletives and body parts and dig into the content. Great site.

For parents deciding what their kids should watch, go to Plugged In. You’ll find enough information there to decide if even a good movie might be more than your young children can handle. PI covers music and TV too.

Lately I’ve gotten hooked on listening to movie discussions at Cinecast. Adam Kempenaar and Sam Hallgren do this twice-weekly podcast from Chicago and it is absolutely GREAT listening for anyone who loves movies. They recently did a Western-a-Week marathon where they dug into some old classic Westerns, and now they’re working their way through some Hitchcock films. They review new releases too. You don’t need an MP3 player to listen. You can listen at your computer or burn a disc for the commute. It’s fabulous.